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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ice Sculptures - The Art of Ice Carving

Ice Carving, as an art, was first recorded in china more than 1500 years ago. Quite something - who was the first person who made a committed decision to make ice his sculptural medium of choice? I don't have record of his name - but I can guarantee that it was a Chinese name.

At Ice Art we channel our passion and efforts into creating each hand carved ice sculpture, Ice Bar, ice centrepiece on a spectacular level. We do not make use of moulds or mechanised machinery. Its all skill of the hand and eye.

For more information and images please visit our website on

As a commercial industry the ice carving niche has been in existence for more than 60 years and is at its largest on the continents of the Americas and Canada.

A very specific ice block is used for this industry and on the whole it is a great expense to produce each block, which only has a quality requirement of this nature in the ice carving industry. One can get away with poor quality ice for drinks, or seafood dressing, or general purpose chilling.

For Ice carving, the construction of Ice Bars, Ice walls or Ice installations such as the V+A Ice Lounge only the most clear, uniform and structurally pure ice will suffice in order to be safe. Being clear it does not simply look great but it is also uniform in strength and free from weak pourous spots or fractures.