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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ice Sculpture - Logo's.... Frozen Assets

When it comes to ice carvings and ice sculptures, replication of logos in ice is a common request and of course a speciality at Ice Art... always proving itself to be a fantastic method to generate a focal point around a brand or activation.

Logo icesculpture

We have our own press office which covers many of the gigs we have been part of over the years for clients - To visit our press offices for some cool images click on the link below:

The ice sculptures can be pre-carved in our freezer and delivered as completed items or carved on site at the event as an interactive entertainment peice. Every logo is different and requires a different approach based on its design, fragility and also the final scale that the logo will be produce on. Fine details on a small scale can melt quickly when carved 3D, and so if the ice sculpture is very intricate, an engraving technique is used with snow, aptly named snowfill, to create a contrast image of this subject - the Ferrari and Ogilvy logos are great examples of this.

Logo icesculpture

Whereas the Maserati and the Smart Car logos are 3D. A combination of the two techniques also produces a great effect. A client's physical brand, such as a product, can also be replicated as in the case of the Bell's Truck and the Merc S class.

Logo icesculpture

To view our website and images of these sculptures click here

The ice medium has always intrigued people and generates a hub of interest around the sculpture, with guests up close and personal with the brand. The focal point also offers a great corporate photo opportunity.

Logo work can be combined with a fountain or a functional items such as an ice bar, ice service station, ice drinks cooler etc...

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